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Tag Archives: social-media
10 Tips for Creating Great Blog Titles
The post 10 Tips for Creating Great Blog Titles appeared first on HostGator Blog . 10 Tips for Creating Great Blog Titles You probably spend a lot of time creating the content you publish on your blog. Obviously, creating great content is important if you’re going to get the most out of having a business blog, but people won’t bother reading the content you create unless you also nail the title. Blog titles are the first part of your blog post that your readers will see and the part that’s responsible for getting them to click through and read the rest. They’re frequently what people use when they share your blog post, meaning that any time a reader likes your content enough to share it with their social network, it’s the part of the blog their followers will see. In other words, the success of your post absolutely depends on coming up with a good blog title. To strengthen your title-writing game, here are a few tips that will help you create great blog titles. 1. Learn the Popular Headline Formulas. Over the years, a lot of bloggers and marketers have done research to see how different types of headlines perform in comparison to others and they’ve found some clear trends in what people choose to click on. You can benefit from the work others have done by studying up on the formulas that are proven to work . A few types of headlines that routinely perform well include: Number headlines – Any headline that starts with a number, introducing a list post (like this one does – and it worked in this case if you’re reading this post). How to headlines – This is a simple option, but a good one. If someone’s trying to figure out how to do something, a headline that lets them know the blog post will deliver on that need gets the most important point across (but your post better deliver on the headline’s promise). Famous comparison – These headlines borrow on the popularity of a person or piece of entertainment to get people to click. Depending on the famous thing or person you choose, they can add an element of fun to your blog, e.g. # Business Lessons I Learned from Watching Beyoncé. Scarcity headline – This headline promises that the reader will be getting something few people have. Headlines that start with “ The Secret of… ” or “ Little Known Tips for… ” are playing on this principle. Big promises headline – These headlines are assuring the reader that they’ll be getting a lot of information if they click, this category includes headlines that start with “ The Ultimate Guide to… ” or list posts that have a particularly high number at the beginning. Buzzsumo has also done extensive research into the words and phrases that perform best in headlines (at least on Facebook). Obviously, you can’t just insert these words into your blog titles thoughtlessly, but if you keep them top of mind and look for opportunities to use them effectively, they could help you build better titles. This is a good starter list, but you can find a lot more if you do a little digging into headline research and formulas. It’s worth devoting some real time to studying the research that’s out there and learning from other people’s experience on this. 2. Pay Attention to Headlines You Like. Every day you encounter titles – not just blog titles, but also the titles of newspaper and magazine articles, the titles of YouTube videos, the titles of emails you receive, etc. You always have a response to those titles, even when your response is to ignore one and keep scrolling. In the same way that starting to read more can make you a better writer, starting to more actively pay attention to the titles you encounter in your life and the way you respond to them will get you thinking regularly throughout the day about what works and why. And that thinking will lead to you getting better at crafting good headlines. So as you scroll through a blog, flip through your favorite magazine, or wade through the links people share on social media, start analyzing your response to every headline you see. Think about which ones made you click, which ones annoyed or offended you, and which ones just didn’t make much of an impression. When possible, jot down notes on how you responded and why. While you’re only a sample set of one, even just by starting with your own responses, you’ll begin to gain some insights into what makes headlines work. 3. Practice Writing Blog Titles. Ah yes, the familiar tip that goes on most lists of how to do anything well: practice. The more you do it, the easier it will be to do it well, so give yourself the assignment of writing blog titles regularly. Not only for the blog posts you write, but just for the practice of writing titles (although you may come up with some good blog post ideas this way). Justin Blackman challenged himself to write over 10,000 headlines over 100 days and found that there was a tangible difference in the quality of his headlines and how quickly he could produce good headlines by the end of his project – which should surprise no one, of course that’s what happens when you commit to practicing something at that level. Luckily, you don’t have to go that far to get better at writing blog titles. You could commit to doing it for 30 minutes each week or 10 minutes a day and still see a difference. Figure out what level of practice you can fit into your life and start doing it. 4. Use Your Keyword Research. If you have a blog, you’re probably already doing keyword research to help you figure out what your audience is thinking about, looking for, and the terminology they use when doing so. Put that information to work in your blog titles. You want to be using the language your customers use. It’s good both for the SEO of your blog posts (which help people find them) and for getting them to click on the post once they see it. You do want to be careful that you don’t try to force a target keyword into a blog title awkwardly, but if your blog post is on the subject you’re targeting, you should be able to include the keyword naturally. 5. Write Multiple Blog Titles for Every Post. I get it. You just did all that hard work of writing the post . You’re ready to be done and get it out there! But as we’ve already mentioned, all that hard work is worth a lot less if people don’t click to read your post. That means your title has a disproportionate amount of power versus the rest of your post and you’ve got to get it right. Some experts recommend spending as much time working on blog titles as you do on the blog post itself. If you do that, you may well find the difference in results is worth the extra time. At the very least though, commit to writing several blog titles for every post you publish (in addition to the headline writing practice you’ve committed to). Share your headlines with friends or co-workers to get feedback. This will accomplish two things at once: You’ll have an easier time selecting the best blog title of the list for each post. You’ll get more information on which titles people respond to. In other words, you’ll be expanding your sample set of one to however many people you can get to review your title options and weigh in for each post. You may find the titles others respond to aren’t the ones you liked the most and that’s valuable information to have before you hit the publish button. 6. Don’t Oversell. If you’ve heard anyone use the term click bait , you know it tends to get said in a tone of derision or at least annoyance. People hate clicking on a link based on the promise of an appealing headline, only to be disappointed in the content that’s actually there. For websites that have a business model where they make money based on the number of clicks they get, these types of titles may make a certain amount of sense to use. But if you have a business you want people to trust, they’re a terrible idea. Make sure the blog title you use matches the content of the post. Don’t say your content is going to “blow your mind” when it probably won’t (how would someone measure that anyways?). Don’t say your blog post is the “definitive guide to” what you’re writing about if it’s a short post only covering the basics of the topic. If you decide to make a big sell in your headline, then do the work to make a blog post that delivers, or figure out another headline. 7. Appeal to Emotions. Whether or not we recognize why we click and share blog posts in the moment we do so, researchers have found that it’s often an emotional decision. Blog titles that appeal to the reader’s emotions are therefore powerful, especially for inspiring shares. CoSchedule analyzed the number of shares different posts got based on their Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) Score and found that those with the highest scores got considerably more shares than those with low scores. Where possible, use terms that evoke emotions in your readers, like surprising , exclusive , or delighted. Think about what you want your readers to feel when they click and work on providing that in the post and describe what they can expect in the blog title. 8. Be Specific. People want to know what they’re clicking on. You may feel like being a little vague could make people more interested or give the blog title broader appeal, but more often it will just make it easier for people to scroll past your title without interest. A specific blog title tells them what questions you’re answering and information you’re providing. The reader will recognize if that’s information they want or need and can make an informed decision on whether or not that click is worth their time. HubSpot’s data backs this up. In testing over 3 million headlines, they noticed that titles that give people more information about the type of content format they’re getting (e.g. putting [Interview] or [Template] in the title) performed 38% better than those that didn’t include that information. 9. Do A/B Testing. You can do a lot of headline research into what generally works well (and that’s valuable to know!), but ultimately, you need to figure out what works for your target audience. For that, you need to do A/B testing . While every blog post you publish gives you some data on what headlines work, you can figure out more detailed information by putting two headlines against each other. Whenever your title brainstorming leads to two strong contenders, set up an A/B test and see what happens. You can make some conjectures about what makes the winning blog title work better in each test, but where you’ll really gain insights is by looking at the trends over time. Maybe your audience responds better to blog titles with negative wording in them than positive, or maybe they consistently go for how-to headlines. The more data you collect in your testing, the more you’ll know about how to get those clicks in the future blog titles you write. 10. Write Blog Titles for YOUR Audience. You don’t need everyone on the internet to like your blog titles, but you do need the people in your target audience to like them. General knowledge on best practices for writing blog titles is good to have when getting started, but the longer you publish on your blog and analyze what works for your audience, the more your blog title strategies should be based on your own data. You’re not writing these blog titles for you or to sound clever to other marketers or even your boss. For you to do your job, the only people that need to respond to your blog titles are the ones you want reading your blog. Always keep that in mind when deciding which titles you go with. Conclusion When you have a business blog, it may seem like every day you learn about more work you’re supposed to be doing to get results. It’s frustrating to have to add spending more time on blog titles to your to-do list, but while it seems like a small part of the overall whole of a blog post, it really is the part that each post’s overall success hinges on. If you want the other work you’re doing to pay off, then this is an important step to take. Find the post on the HostGator Blog Continue reading
Introduction to Social Analytics [FREE Ebook]
The post Introduction to Social Analytics [FREE Ebook] appeared first on HostGator Blog . Free Ebook: Introduction to Social Analytics You know it’s important for your business to have a presence on social media, but figuring out what you’re doing on there is an ongoing challenge. Each social media platform is unique and requires its own approach and strategy. And no matter what you do when you’re just starting out, there will be room for improvement. The only way to learn how to get better as you go is to pay attention to what works . The way to do that is with social analytics. If you’re just starting to venture into social media marketing for your business, our ebook on social analytics provides all the information you need on how to access social media analytics and what to do with them. Click here to download now or keep reading to learn more about what you’ll learn in this FREE ebook. What Are Social Analytics? All of the major social media platforms offer data on how people interact with the posts and content you share. Some of the information they provide is fairly basic, like showing you how many people viewed or liked a post you published. Some of it goes deeper, providing demographic data on the people who interact with your posts or details about their behavior on the platform. All of this information can be put to use to strengthen your social media strategy and get better results for the time you spend on social media, but only if you know where to find it, and how to use it. Why Social Analytics Matter There are thousands of blog posts and articles out there about how to do social media marketing well. And they’re a good place to start. Knowing the best practices and seeing examples of what has worked for other brands does help in establishing a solid plan when getting started. But ultimately, you don’t need to know what works on social media for another brand or media property – you need to know what works for your audience . The best way to figure that out will never be someone else’s blog post; you have to turn to your own social analytics for that. What You’ll Learn When You Download the Ebook This ebook delves into how to access social analytics data for the five main social media platforms: Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn YouTube While there’s a lot of overlap in the kind of information each platform provides, each one supplies a different dashboard and layout for finding the analytics they make available. Once you’ve found the analytics, you’ll need to understand what you’re looking at. Our Social Analytics Ebook also covers the most important categories of data the platforms offer and why each one is valuable to users. Download Now You know from running your website how important analytics are to analyzing what’s working and what’s not. You’d never know if your website was doing its job or not without useful metrics that show you how people find and interact with your pages. Social analytics do the same job for your social media profiles. With their help, you can optimize your social media efforts to make sure you’re reaching the right people, at the right times, with messaging and content they’re likely to appreciate. Download the Social Analytics for Business ebook to learn all the basics you need for success on social media. Find the post on the HostGator Blog Continue reading
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Clean Pre-Tested IPv4 4 All Uses | IP Rotations | 1000 x 29’s Different Class-C | IPs 4 Transfer
We have something for every need in IPv4: [QUOTE]* Pre-Tested Clean for Every Kind of Use (social media, seo, proxy, etc) * Discounted n… | Read the rest of http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1715317&goto=newpost Continue reading
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8 Fun Summer Promotion Ideas for Small Business
The post 8 Fun Summer Promotion Ideas for Small Business appeared first on HostGator Blog . Make the Most of Summer with These Fun Promotion Ideas Unless you sell swimwear or ice cream, your small business may see a drop in sales over the summer. Consumer spending on things besides travel tends to slack off during the hottest months, but you can encourage your current customers to come shop with you and attract new customers, too. Use some of these promotion ideas and best practices to rev up your business this summer. 1. Discount Punch Cards Summer punch cards aren’t just for kids’ reading clubs. Punch cards can bring more traffic into your store all season long by giving customers a discount when they buy upfront. These programs are a natural fit for yoga, fitness, and dance studios, and you can almost certainly create a punch promo for your business: a pre-pay discount on an iced coffee each week all summer long, car washes, dog washes, eyebrow waxing, or anything your customers will want more than once during the summer. 2. Giveaways People love free stuff, even when it’s hot outside. Summer is the perfect time to give away small items like skincare product samples, fashion jewelry, stickers, and food. Promote your giveaways on social media and make it clear what the terms are: good while supplies last, today only, free item with purchase, or however you want to structure your deal. 3. One-Day Sales and Deals of the Day Between summer holidays you can create your own sales events. One option is to offer a one-day-only discount on your most-popular or highest-margin items. Department store chain Continue reading
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5 Excellent Influencer Marketing Ideas for Any E-commerce Store
The post 5 Excellent Influencer Marketing Ideas for Any E-commerce Store appeared first on HostGator Blog . 5 Influencer Marketing Ideas for Your E-commerce Store Influencer marketing is a strategy worth trying for e-commerce stores. With tough competition and a global market, brands are seeking new ways to turn hesitant shoppers into loyal customers. That’s why store owners are investing heavily in influencer marketing. “Significantly, the success of influencer marketing has occurred not just because of the value it’s shown as a marketing tactic. In fact, research has shown influencer marketing’s effectiveness at meeting a myriad of goals,” states Entrepreneur contributor Kamiu Lee . There’s more than one way to achieve your business goals with influencer marketing. Here are five tactics to get you started today. 1. Sponsored Ads Advertising gets a bad reputation. Consumers usually associate ads as something horrible that companies insist they see. Rightfully so, considering most ads consist of mind-numbing content. They may convey a subpar product or misinterpret how the consumer relates to the brand. So when consumers think of advertising, they run the opposite direction. However, you can change consumers’ feelings with influencer marketing . Your audience wants to hear from people they trust and respect in the industry. Influencers bridge the gap between boring ad and amazing content that includes your product. Nespresso collaborates with Food Feels to show off their coffee machine. This gorgeous picture gives fans an inside look at the product experience. Followers express their love in the comments. There’s a major lesson to learn in sponsored ads. Instead of focusing on your brand and product, gear the conversation toward the customer. It’s one of the most effective ways to gain someone’s attention. Moreover, ads don’t have to operate in the traditional channels, like television or radio. You can join forces with an influencer and promote your ad online. Do sponsor ads differently. That’s how you will spark consumer interest. 2. Affiliate Marketing Influencer marketing isn’t always about brand awareness. You want your strategic actions to actually produce sales for your business. By combining influencer and affiliate marketing, you can build a mutually beneficial relationship with an influencer. The individual can earn cash for every sale they drive to your store. This partnership ensures you’re not throwing money at a partnership without a measurable goal. Plus, the influencer can rack up more money than a normal contract. “Custom affiliate links can be generated using an influencer platform, while marketers can choose to add commission to collaborations…[C]ompanies can benefit from the awareness and personal messaging of a pure influencer marketing campaign, while at the same time being able to track the direct revenue that comes with affiliate marketing campaigns,” writes Nicole Michaelis , chief marketing officer at Referanza. For affiliate marketing to work well, state your expectations up front with influencers. Lay out the process and highlight the commissions for each sale. Understand that not all influencers will accept your agreement. And that’s okay. Take the time to search for individuals that fit your marketing scheme along with your values. Affiliate marketing is an effective tool to get business results. Coupled with influencer marketing, you’ll see your bottom line increase. Learn about HostGator’s affiliate marketing program. 3. Influencer Takeovers Social media has opened the doors for brands to communicate with customers. It’s a channel dedicated to interaction and where influence thrives. If a consumer has an issue, they can contact your team in a couple of clicks. If you want to highlight your latest product, you can promote it in your feed instantly. Now, when you add influencers to the mix, you engage in an opportunity to expand your reach and visibility. Social media becomes more than just a broadcast channel; it turns into an engagement channel. An influencer takeover involves handing your social media controls to an expert in the field who will engage with your audience. The goal is for the individual to add new content and take your fans on a different journey. In the example below, Brian Fanzo, millennial keynote speaker and change evangelist, did an Instagram takeover on Buffer’s account . He shared advice about social media and community building. For the best results, use your most active social channel for the influencer takeover. That way, you’re connecting with consumers where they enjoy communicating. You’ll also want to lean on the influencer on what content to produce. Influencers know what they are doing. Try not to stifle their creativity because you can’t fully see the vision. So, start scouting individuals for your next influencer takeover. Your followers will like the exciting content. 4. In-Person Events As an e-commerce store, it’s easy to think everything great is happening online. You get stuck in promoting only on the Internet. Well, there’s a whole world full of consumers engaging with brands offline. From pop-up stores to conferences to VIP catered gatherings, you have the power to attract more consumers. Use in-person events to invite influencers to share in the experience. With exclusive access, they can bring their following to the event via social media. “If your event is a food festival, the main social media influencers will probably be on Instagram, posting dramatic pics of sushi and cocktails. If you host a business conference, the biggest names might be on LinkedIn, sharing articles on best practices and business trends,” says Christy Huggins , social media manager at Eventbrite. The first step is to create an event related to your brand and audience. Don’t try to host a hip-hop music session if it doesn’t match your consumers’ interests. Next, select influencers who thrive in front and behind the camera. You want someone who can bring the event to life with live commentary on Snapchat or beautiful photos on Instagram. If you need to hire an event planner, do it. Then, add your influencer to kick it up a notch. 5. Giveaways Consumers like to participate in chances to win free products. It’s our human nature to want surprises. Remember when Oprah gave away all those cars ? It brought smiles to the recipients and everyone who tuned in to watch the show. Giveaways are like small packages of hope wrapped up in our favorite products. Sure, your most loyal customers will buy the product regardless. But it’s always cool to think you may win the free item. Influencers can help you spread the joy of giveaways. You can either tell them to promote on their websites and social channels, or you may even associate their well-known name with the giveaway. Check out this example from Milk Makeup . The brand partnered with YouTube star and celebrity makeup artist Jkissa to giveaway $600 worth of products. In the customer experience, giveaways fall underneath fun ways to connect with buyers. Also, it’s a chance to push product awareness to the forefront. You’ll want to add your signature product to the giveaway—the one item that all your customers love. Then, you can shower the giveaway with new products or lesser-known items. This strategy lets you highlight other products in your store. What will make your giveaway stand out? Talk with your team to get ideas that will thrill your audience. Start Leveraging Influence Influencer marketing plays an integral role in e-commerce stores. Take advantage of it to expose your products to the right audience. Experiment with sponsored ads to leverage an influencer’s following. Host a takeover giving an influencer full access to your social channels. Also, you can use giveaways to grab consumers’ attention. Market with influence to grow your e-commerce store . Find the post on the HostGator Blog Continue reading
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