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Tag Archives: gator-crossing
Google Changes That Business Owners Need To Prepare For
The post Google Changes That Business Owners Need To Prepare For appeared first on HostGator Blog | Gator Crossing . If Google were a superhero, it would be the Avengers. If Google had a superpower, it would be the ability to purchase other superpowers. If Google ran the world, well, they pretty much already have an iron grip on the World Wide Web… Google currently possesses 75.2% of the U.S. search market, as of this January, and 81.7% of the U.S. mobile search market, as of March 2014. When Google adjusts an algorithm, like their 4/21/15 mobile update, it has the potential to impact businesses, big and small. Even with its current dominance of the world’s Internet usage, Google still maintains an air of secrecy with regards to any upcoming updates. It’s not that the Google team wants to keep businesses, marketers and users out of the loop, but that innovation takes time, and nobody stays in power if they reveal their algorithmic tricks. Ignoring the secrecy and lack of upcoming announcements, a trend has started to emerge. Although the following are merely predictions, based on competitors and recent changes, it is clear that Google is moving towards a more user-friendly experience. Google’s Last big Update: Mobile Friendly Let’s quickly analyze the 4/21/15 mobile update before looking forward. In order to cater to the increasing number of mobile Internet users Google adapted how it ranks websites on mobile searches. Websites that are not responsive, or do not have a mobile version, were bumped downwards on Google’s search rankings while websites that were mobile-friendly saw their rankings rise. Why? With users in mind, Google has forced websites that are easier to use higher up in their lists. Mobile searches are on the rise. 94% of USA smartphone users search for local info on their phones. In order to be relevant, websites have to ‘get with the times, man’. Google doesn’t want outdated, difficult to use, sites bogging down the top of their searches. They want us to have the easiest experience possible. While the current system incentivizes keywords and backlinks, it is not hard to imagine Google moving somewhat away from these metrics and instead continuing their user experience trend. Questions like the following will hold a greater weight on how a website ranks: Does the website adapt to what screen/device it is being viewed on? What is the site’s bounce rate? How long do users spend on the page? How often is the site updated? Currently, 55% of website visitors spend 15 seconds on a website. In order to ensure people are finding what they are searching for Google will prioritize websites in which people spend more time viewing. Google wants us to find what we’re looking for, not to click a site and disappointingly exit out after two seconds. Constantly updating, whether content on existing pages or adding new pages to a site, will add more leverage to a site in than it currently does. Instead of focusing on adding a smorgasbord of specifically targeted words, adding content will prove that the site is keeping its information fresh. Sites that do not update will, hopefully, fall down in rankings. Google will doubtless develop algorithms to estimate how often a website should be updated based on it’s niche – for example, a news website should likely be updated more often than a plumber’s website. The Knowledge Graph Google currently tries to know and understand what you’re searching for, and most of the time its algorithm is right! Displayed on the right of many Google searches is the knowledge graph. It is comprised of data such as pictures, contact information, statistics, and reviews (depending on the search). This presumed information would become more prevalent on all searches, and possibly be the default click on devices with smaller screens. Google will use the knowledge graph to quicken searches and time spent clicking. If you were using Google on a smart-watch, for example, and looked up a local bike shop, wouldn’t it be nice if it automatically brought you to closest shop’s website? Google does know your location, after all, which brings us to… Geotracking Your location, or your store(s) location for that matter, will continue to become more and more relevant. Depending on what you and/or others are searching and based on where they are, the results will differ greatly. This will have a much larger impact on smaller, one-shop, businesses. As we continue to add the Internet to more and more items that we wear daily, our location is going to matter more and more. What’s nice about these predictions is that it has consumer’s best interests in mind. Businesses and advertisers will have to adjust their marketing plans, but being that these are predictions, we recommend waiting. Still, it’s always fun to imagine what the next Avenger’s movie will be about, and what our next Google update just might be… ***** Josh Gershonowicz is the founder and CEO of Rebuild Nation , a marketing firm which focuses on the dental and health industry. web hosting Continue reading
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Spying On Competitor Targeting To Determine Their Facebook Marketing Strategy
The post Spying On Competitor Targeting To Determine Their Facebook Marketing Strategy appeared first on HostGator Blog | Gator Crossing . If you’re advertising on Facebook, you’ve probably hit a road block at least once when it comes to targeting. You can play with audience insights all day long, but sometimes you just can’t locate that exact sweet spot that would be best for your specific business. So, why not use what your competitors are using? Whatever niche you’re in, you’ve probably done your research. You’ve visited some of the top sites in the game, Liked some of the highest performing Facebook pages, and maybe even bought an array of products. Doing all of this online has most likely made Facebook think you’re interested in the industry. Therefore, if your competitors are targeting properly, you’ll start seeing their ads appear. For example, I’m in the Internet marketing game and I see a lot of ads for Internet marketing products, ebooks, and webinars. But I also help my girlfriend with her makeup blog. So I also see a lot of ads for makeup and beauty products even though I don’t actually use these products and certainly am not their target demographic. This can apply to almost any niche provided that you’ve done your research into the given industry. Spying On Your Competitor’s Facebook Marketing Strategy Of course, you can’t get gain access into your competitor’s business / ad manager. Therefore, we will have to use a little reverse engineering to make this strategy work. This is something that I love to do when trying to kill time, and to see what my own competitors are doing as well. We’re going to do that here with some real-life facebook ad examples from my own news feed. There are 3 main placements for Facebook advertising. You have your native ads on desktop and mobile, and you have your right rail ads. Each of them will show you information about the ad you are seeing. We’ll begin with the right rail: Right Side Ad Targeting As mentioned, the ads currently targeted at me include both makeup/beauty ads, as well as some for Internet marketing. Given the above 3 ads, how do I find out what they’re doing? The answer is easy enough. Hover on the image to see a little X. Click on the X and you’ll be presented with several options. Click the option “Why am I seeing this? From here, you’ll be given a lightbox popup with information about the ad. Sometimes this is very vague, as we’ll see momentarily, but sometimes it will give you some interesting ideas. Let’s see how Mr. Brown targeted me. For the Liberty Mutual ad, it’s one of the vague descriptions since they’re using an agency called TheTradeDesk. The Nordstrom ad? They’re using TellApart to target people. So unfortunately it doesn’t reveal exactly how they targeted me. It’s possibly a retargeting ad. Newsfeed Ad Targeting Let’s take a look at a few Newsfeed ads. This first ad I saw was from a competitor. Which is funny because this is exactly what I would look for when doing my research. To find what they’re doing, let’s click on the chevron that points down on the top right. You’ll receive a similar box of options as the right rail. Click the same “Why am I seeing this” to see more information. You’ll see that our competitor is using a dark post that’s targeting me based on my interest in Linux. Interesting, because I was briefly targeting this not too long ago. Maybe they did a little reverse engineering as well? Here’s another example of a Newsfeed ad. They’re selling SEO services and the targeting they are using is interesting. They’re targeting Moz Marketing Software, something that Glen at Viperchill wrote about a few months ago. This is interesting to me because they’ve been targeting this for awhile and so did Glen before he wrote his article. I am only aware of this due to a mutual friend of mine and Glen’s. As such, either this advertiser has a relation to Glen or they’ve been doing some reverse engineering themselves. Although we’re only scratching the surface, you are beginning to see how deep the rabbit hole can go. In a matter of coincidence, Viperchill showed up when I continued scrolling down my page. Let’s see how Glen is targeting these days. He’s targeting those interested in Darren Rowse, the founder of ProBlogger . This is actually the 4th person that I’ve seen this month targeting Darren. I really like this targeting because it shows you that you don’t have to just target brands and hobbies, you can find some of the biggest names in the industry to target as well. Which, if you’re doing it, there’s a chance your ad costs might be slightly less expensive because most advertisers would go after recognizable brands rather than individuals. Mobile Newsfeed Targeting Examples My first example was the first ad to show in my feed, and it is actually our good friends Bluehost. How about we take a look at what they’re doing. I’m glad this one showed up because of the targeting they’re doing here. In this example, they’re targeting a lookalike audience from an existing audience. A lookalike audience is an audience that Facebook will generate for you based on an audience you’ve added into their system. So this could either be their customers, a retargeting list, or a couple of other options. They’re trying to find people that are similar to people who have bought their services previously, so there’s a good chance that they may be interested as well. Our next ad is one of those ads that doesn’t give you much information. Why is that? Because they’ve incorporated several layers within their ad. Age, location, interest, and many other options can be used to target. Using multiple targeting options will make it more difficult to see exactly what is being done. This is basically how you can tell what your competitors are doing on Facebook in order to give you some ideas for targeting. These were just a few examples, certainly not all-inclusive. One particular ad message to be aware of will say something similar to “ABC advertiser is trying to reach people based on their current customers” which means they uploaded your information as a custom audience. When I see this from an advertiser that I know that I haven’t given them my information, I block and report them since it probably means they bought my email from somewhere or scraped it somehow. Neither of which should be done. How Can You Edit Your Facebook Interests? This can be a little complicated as Facebook takes a lot of factors into consideration when matching you with interests. Some of these can be what pages you like, what websites you visit, and what products you buy. To remove specific interests, you just need to manage your ad preferences . From the “why am I see this” popup, you can remove the exact interest (for example, the Moz Marketing Software) or you can click to go to all of your preferences. There, you can pick and choose what to remove or add. Hopefully this has shed some light on how to use your competitors’ Facebook ads to find new targeting options. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments! web hosting Continue reading
Posted in BlueHost, HostGator, Hosting, php, VodaHost, vps
Tagged advertising, gator-crossing, hosting, marketing, small-business, tips and tricks, vodahost, vps, web hosting
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Small Business Week: Paid Social Advertising
The post Small Business Week: Paid Social Advertising appeared first on HostGator Blog | Gator Crossing . In our final webinar for Small Business Week, Kyler Patterson will discuss the ins and outs of paid advertising on social media. Check out the live stream below. Be sure to leave your questions in the comments. You can also post questions to our Facebook or ask us on twitter using #HGSBW. web hosting Continue reading
Posted in HostGator, Hosting, VodaHost
Tagged discuss-the-ins, facebook, facebook-or-ask, final, gator-crossing, hostgator, hosting, small-business
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Small Business Week: Search Engine Optimization Webinar
The post Small Business Week: Search Engine Optimization Webinar appeared first on HostGator Blog | Gator Crossing . In the first webinar for Small Business Week, Brian Rakowski will discuss some SEO tips to help you navigate the new mobile update among other things. You can catch the stream here: web hosting Continue reading
Posted in HostGator, Hosting, php, VodaHost, vps
Tagged advertising, auto, comedy, dedicated-servers, gator-crossing, hostgator, hosting, thumb, videos, web hosting
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HostGator Puppy Adoption Drive With Austin Pets Alive!
The post HostGator Puppy Adoption Drive With Austin Pets Alive! appeared first on HostGator Blog | Gator Crossing . HOSTGATOR TO KICK OFF NATIONAL PET MONTH WITH A PET ADOPTION DRIVE IN SUPPORT OF AUSTIN PETS ALIVE! National Pet Month promotes the benefits of pet ownership, importance of pet adoption and increases the public’s awareness of the value and contribution of companion animals; On Friday, May 1, 2015 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., HostGator, will host a Puppy Adoption Drive with Austin Pets Alive! in celebration of National Pet Month. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet and adopt puppies at the event and participate in fun activities celebrating National Pet Month. In addition to hosting the adoption drive, HostGator’s Director of Human Resources will also present a $5,000 donation to Austin Pets Alive! Austin Pets Alive! was founded in 2008 to help alleviate overcrowding in the city’s animal shelters and increase the live outcomes of Austin’s shelter and rescue animals. Since its founding, the organization has saved more than 25,000 cats and dogs in the Greater Austin area. If you wish to attend the event, please feel free to RSVP on our Facebook event in order to get a reminder notification. web hosting Continue reading
Posted in HostGator, Hosting, php, VodaHost, vps
Tagged advertising, director, events, facebook, gator-crossing, hosting, human-resources, pets, politics, vps
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